Mike Sander
Lead Pastor
Pastor Mike grew up in rural Nebraska. After attending Summit Christian College in Gering, NE, he has ministered in Wyoming, Kansas and Nebraska. Mike and his wife, Rachelle, have six kids and enjoy serving in ministry together. His hobbies are bow hunting, reading a good book, sports, coaching, and traveling with his wife.

Joe Jackson
Next-Gen Pastor
Joe and his wife, Gracie, met while they were both attending Summit Christian College. Joe continues online classes at Summit, and is excited to work in vocational ministry! Gracie attends York University pursuing her Music Education degree. Outside of church, Joe loves cooking, fishing, playing his guitar, and spending quality time with his wife.

Rachelle Sander
Connections Ministry Coordinator
Rachelle is a graduate of Kansas State University and has a heart for helping people discover their identity in Christ. She is a Certified Enneagram Coach, mother of six, and Grammy. If she isn’t in her office or photographing a sporting event, you will find Rachelle in one of her happy places: cuddling granddaughter, Carsyn, or sidekick Mozzie, cooking, reading or traveling.

Sarah Franseen
Kids Quest Ministry
Sarah and her husband, Chris are instrumental in leading children and youth at Harvest. Her passion for kids knowing and grasping the Word of God is a treasure. As a homeschool mom, her days are filled with creativity and education, and lots of snuggles with Biscuit.

Vickie Nielsen
Women's Ministry
With a rich history of leadership, creativing, and digging deep in to the Word, Vickie brings scripture to life and loves to see women break free of strongholds and experience abundant life in Christ! She and her husband, Paul, are enjoying being grandparents and loving their adult children well through all of life's stages.

Verlene Watson
Senior Ministry Activities Coordinator
Verlene and her husband, Richard, are from the greater Superior area of Hardy, Nebraska, and have three grown children and enjoy connecting with their many grandchildren. Together they are gifted in leading others through difficult times, and are part of the GriefShare ministry.

Lance & Mollie Teachworth
Life Group Coordinators
Lance and Mollie Teachworth are the pioneers Harvest's first Life Group Ministry launching in September 2022. They desire to inspire growth in discipleship at Harvest. Their joyful leadership and biblical wisdom are foundational to this Life Group Ministry. Mollie also serves as our Meal Train Coordinator.
Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.
1 Peter 5:2-3
1 Peter 5:2-3

Lannin Zoltenko

Richard Watson
Jim Zoltenko